It is the Managers who need MS 365 Training!

Having trained 1000’s in MS Office 365 since 1982, I have now come to the realization that apart from Staff it is the Managers who need to have the training as well.

Most managers have no idea how their staff use, in particular, Excel. Most are not aware of how easy it is to corrupt a spreadsheet. For example, one can overwrite a formula with a number. This can have a domino effect to 100’s of cells.

Also staff can spend many hours to generate a monthly report, by cutting, pasting, sorting etc., all manually. Then repeat the over and over again.

A good solution would be to use MS Access databases which can import external data, and Excel spreadsheets. Then, once Access is setup, one just runs the reports.

Instead of taking 4 hours, this can take one minute. Does this sound like a good idea?

Contact Ivor now on 08-9275-9188 for an obligation free chat to see how we can improve your business, or email



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