Benefits of Fast Track Computer Solutions Training over Public Courses

  • 1-on-1 or your small group
  • 2 or 3 hours units for maximum retention. You will hardly remember anything after a full day training.
  • You go away, practice what we teach you. Then during your next unit, we can revise and/or answer questions.
  • You will learn twice as much in the same time.
  • You are not afraid to ask questions which you may be embarrassed to do in a group.
  • There will not be other trainees who “commandeer” the trainer, thus compromising the teaching.
  • No parking issues.
  • Can work on your spreadsheets, databases or documents, for your industry.
  • Flexible training sessions. Work in with your FIFO rosters.
  • No waiting for classes to fill.
  • No course cancellations.
  • Our MS Project 9 hour course teaches everything you need to know to use the software successfully. This is unlike most other courses where you need to attend 3 courses at basic/intermediate/advanced levels. This doubles or triples you initial spend.
  • Your Accredited trainer, Ivor, has over 49 years expertise in Business Management, Project Management, IT and Bookkeeping, having trained 1000’s since 1982.
  • This is the best investment in your future career that you will ever make.
  • This is the best value for such training that you will find in Perth.

E: P: 9275-9188

Fast Track Computer Solutions